
World Vaishnaban Association held at 4:30pm, India time on October 23th,2021

  Held at 4:30 pm, India time on October 23th, 2021. v=DmkVqA0d3gQ&list= PLpKf7u8hs7jtqlfOUDlNwkuHE5Bt5 _atk&index=1   Srila Gopananda Bon Maharaj, from Himalaya, gave a beautiful Hari Katha relating the Damodar Lila, and verse by verse, he explained the Damodarastakam. He also showed the relation of the different rasas with Sri Krishna. Finally, he encouraged us all to practice our spiritual life and offer ghee lamps during this Kartik vrata. v=WR8eOt-4YCo&list= PLpKf7u8hs7jtqlfOUDlNwkuHE5Bt5 _atk&index=2&t=1s Sriman Paramananda Das Prabhu, from Sri Guru Prapanna Ashram reported his seva in the publishing department, where he and other devotees are publishing a magazine honouring the 150th celebration of the divine appearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. They will publish this magazine every month on Purnima. Also, they are compiling and publishing bulletins and books in...